Corporate Narration

  • AMEX (conversational): 0:00-0:13
  • FujiFilm (warm, inspiring): 0:14-0:33
  • HSBC (professional): 0:34-0:54
  • Samsung (cool, authoritative): 0:55-1:05
  • Delta (earnest): 1:06-1:24
*Corporate Narration voiceover

Corporate narration

Your company has a story to tell. But if your words fail to connect to your audience, the message gets lost. That’s why excellent corporate  voiceover in your videos is crucial to your success.

With a long background as a writer before stepping behind the mic, I understand storytelling. I make sure your story is not only heard. I make sure it’s memorable. 

Feel free to think of me as your brand’s hype woman!

With corporate narration, you have the ability to guide your audience through your brand’s story, values, and achievements. 

Corporate videos can provide information about the company, promote its products, describe services, or serve as an inspiring call to action. 

A professional voice actor enhances your vision by employing the right tone and pacing, and triggers the emotional response that leads your audience to action. 

Let me be that voice.

Explainer Videos

“Hi, I’m Sion, and I help bring your company’s story to life through professional voiceover.”

That could easily be the opener to an explainer video

You know the ones. Those short, snappy videos that explain something about a product, service, or business.

Explainer videos have several benefits. They:

People are naturally drawn to visuals and audio. By combining the two into quick (1-3 minutes) easy-to-understand videos, they create an engaging and immersive experience. They help establish brand identity. 

And by embedding these bite-sized wonders onto your company’s website or sharing them on social media, you increase the amount of time people spend on your site and engage with your brand. Using a professional female voiceover ensures you’ll capture your audience’s attention.

Explainer Videos

  • Cloze (natural, friendly): 0:00-0:17
  • Dropbox (conversational): 0:18-0:28
  • Microsoft Azure (technical): 0:29-0:40
  • Prescribe Wellness (caring): 0:41-0:50
  • Meal DPro (straightforward): 0:51-1:11
  • (upbeat, light): 1:12-1:27
*voice over

And more...

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Some clients

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Want to hear how my voice would suit your corporate or explainer video?