Press, interviews & news!

Interview with Source Connect

Source-Connect is a leading remote recording tool in the voiceover industry. I was delighted to be chosen as a featured user on their website. The interview discusses my VO career path, favorite clients (I love them all!), nerdy tech stuff…and my cat!

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Stepping Stones Podcast

This podcast explores the different pathways to various roles in L&D. I shared “the how” of becoming a voice actor specialized in eLearning and corporate narration!

*Documentary voiceover

Featured in Business Insider as a person with a dream job

I was one of five people featured in this article about pivoting careers to pursue a dream job.

“I get to be creative, work with language, and build relationships with clients — all from the comfort and convenience of my cozy sound booth,” says Sion Dayson. 

Interviewed on the ATD blog about Human eLearning narration vs AI

“As technology accelerates and rapidly transforms our approach to e-learning, how can developers make sure there’s a human touch in their online offerings? The short answer: Incorporate a good story that’s told in a compelling way.”